This is written entirely by Donald Trump:
And it is moving in ways that Ronald could only dream of achieving.
When Donald sits down to write, he can be as profound as Ronald.
Thanks for sharing the motivational video by Trump.
Sure, it’s a good for a motivational video by a real estate/business magnate.
Trump has a good understanding of people and motivation, for sure.
But it doesn’t even come close to Reagan’s superior comprehensive world view as stated in the 1964 speech:
Didya even watch it at all? There’s no comparison.
Nigel Farage in the UK is another superior statesman with superior intellect and speaking ability. Trump is kind of “seat of the pants.”
For now, Trump will have to do. Like I said, we need a battering ram, and that is Trump. I enjoy his directness and anti-PC theme. Finally someone will fight that battle for us.
btw, I counted 10 TIMES that Trump said “I” or “my” in the first 30 seconds of his motivational video!! Do you realize humble and classy Ronald Reagan rarely used the first person in speeches?
That’s because Reagan was far wiser than Trump to know that it wasn’t about him. I sure hope Trump takes a page from the Reagan book on that note.