I haven’t seen a bias in favor of Christianity on Trump’s part. On the contrary, he has already basically declared he won’t fight against homosexuality or trannies, and says that the murderous Planned Parenthood does good work. There’s pretty much no difference between him and the Hildebeast on those key moral issues.
God isn’t neutral regarding moral issues. The Bible teaches us that we must strive to get right morally, and then blessings of peace and prosperity flow from that.
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Prosperity can be achieved in no other way. $20 trillion in debt should show that to one and all, almost all of which has been accumulated since our nation began rejecting God and His rules.
So I’ll be voting Constitution Party. Again. I have to face God someday and explain why I voted as I did. I can’t in good conscience vote for Trump. And that’s what we all have to do: Vote our conscience.
If he were to put forward a strong social conservative as his running mate, and promise to make religious freedom exceptions regarding businesses serving the pervs, I’d be willing to reconsider. But at this point he just keeps tacking further and further left, so I don’t see that happening.
Fine. It would be nice if you could just keep it between yourself and God. Leave us out of it. Trump is going to win so get used to it.