We took my grandson to McD’s when he was 2 or 3 as a treat one day. They had been really busy and my husband was trying to order and the cashier tried to make him take a couple bags of food that someone had refused or left before they were ready or something. Just two bags of random food and the guy was just going to make my husband take them instead of taking our order, he was insisting and rude about it.
Oh boy that worked well, I thought my husband was going over the counter to beat the guy up. At that point I knew we had to leave and grandson would be upset. Real quick I told my grandson they had been real busy and sold all the food so we had to go eat somewhere else. I know you shouldn’t lie to kids but it was a desperate situation!
We don’t go to McD’s and for a long time my grandson would tell people about when McD’s ran out of food!
I hear you! When I went in to talk to the manager about my situation, I asked him if the store owner would be happy to know that his workers are giving away free food and driving away customers by threatening to throw food at them? When I was a kid, I worked at McD’s, as almost everyone has, I suppose, and we got laid on the carpet for giving out extra sugar packets or creamers. If we were rude to a client, we were seriously brought to task. Of course, I was a kid 45 years ago (!), but, still, I’m really tired of the rudeness of clerks, in general (you’re lucky if they stop talking to their friends long enough to acknowledge you, even when taking your money or giving back change — and not just at McD’s, and not just with kids as the workers. Adults are becoming just as rude).