What will happen first—the FBI wraps up its investigation of Hillary Clinton, or Halley’s Comet returns?
Another incorrect meme thrown out there is that FBI agents will rebel if no indictment is handed down.
FBI agents aren't that much different than the bureaucrats I see at my agency, and they have bills to pay just like us. There will be no revolt, just a shrugging of shoulders.
It was far different when I worked at the FDIC. I worked in a section that did its job so well that two contractors voluntarily withdrew from their contracts (we were too tough on them).
Senior management backed us up, too. A director's email on an after action report that I wrote detailing deficiencies we found at a site visit was titled: "Houston, we have a problem."
It's no wonder that the FDIC is rated as one of the best agencies to work for in the federal government. Wish I was still there, but I wasn't a permanent employee.