Are you ready to buy a plane ticket to Guyana? Jim Jones 2.0 kool aid drinkers should make their reservations early.
While I truly think you are a dedicated Christian, don’t you have a pastor? We aren’t electing a Pastor-in-Chief, and besides that - I’m not fully certain that Ted’s faith is true. I can’t fathom how someone can claim the name of Jesus and lie like he does - and he does. I know you don’t want to accept that, but, it’s true. I detest someone who tries to use the Lord for political gain.
Obama claimed to be a Christian, Bill Clinton was raping women and claiming to be a Christian, Hillary claims to be a Christian.....”what does it matter?”.
Whether Trump is a Christian is not NEARLY as important as to whether he will STAND UP for Christians in the face of the Left’s nonstop persecution of all things Christian and allow us to WORSHIP in peace. He has already shown more backbone when speaking out against muslims than ALL Politicians combined.
Then you surely must detest Cruz,,,,
I feel that he is the ultimate example of taking the name of the Lord in vain!
All of his “preacher pitching” to the evangelicals is purely SELF-serving in his quest for the highest office in the land.
Just a “humble” senator seem to be far beneath his exalted opinion of himself even though he takes the taxpayers money for a job NOT done.