Most corrupt President in US history. Just flat out stealing money for his cronies.
We just gave our terrorist enemy $150 billion to buy nukes and missiles, and he wants to tax us to build more wind mills? We are so screwed... again.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think even the jerks in congress will be willing to help Obama pass this bill. Just about all the voters would be up in arms if they try.
I propose a $10 per barrel tax on imported oil, the proceeds to fund new generation nuclear, fusion research, and the balance to retire the debt.
“Obama Proposes $10 Tax On Each Barrel Of Oil”
There retarded people out there calling this retarded!!!
How about a $10 tax on politicians every time they say something stupid?
Tax and Spend Scam
Why not a $10 tax on each barrel of imported Oil? Even Trump has talked about this. A tax on OPEC oil would allow us to develop and support domestic oil production and jobs.
Obama’s Tax would be like Carter with his New Oil and Old Oil approach in the 1970’s. He really wants to destroy the domestic oil industry for his buddies in the ME, his loyalty is to Saudi Arabia.
As usual Obama has it ASS backwards.
That is a brilliant idea; price American oil out of the market so it will be less expensive to buy foreign oil.