Tantrum Trump wants to eviscerate anyone who challenges him
As long as the republicans dont upset President Trump we need not worry about him retaliating and caucusing with the democrat party
Tantrum Trump wants to eviscerate anyone who challenges him.
It would be very good in dealing with the Muslim leaders in the World. He won’t be walked over. I like that. Not sure why you don’t.
Nope—Trump might nuke ISIS but not Copenhagen. He’s an egoist not a fool. Same thing was said of Ronald Reagan. We are being set up folks—its to be Rubio thrust down out thoats—watch—The fix is in.
Wednesday, Cruz said,.... “You know, my girls are five and seven and I got to tell you, Caroline and Katherine are better behaved than a presidential candidate who responds by insulting everyone everyday when he loses.”...
As I see it nobody has pushed back on Trumps insults and behavior....not the media...not politicians...not anyone and that’s why this utter nastiness has been unleashed on FR and other social media. This was not the case before Trump. And I’m not referencing the points he’s made....I’m referencing his very character traits, his behavior, the constant flow of nothingness and fluff he puts out there....along with the trash mouth he is never called to account on.
Therefore ...”as a leader” supposedly , this junk talk has been unleashed on practically every site and even by the pundits.
So what is it?......I don’t by any longer it’s the American peoples anger.....as that’s no excuse for the foul mouths and rants we’re hearing from posters we don’t even know here and those we do.....what is it that’s reached the dark side of people pretty much across the nation, to mimic such a horrid example of a man as Trump, who surpassed being a bold man to something else altogether.
Whatever it is it’s sinister and does not indicate to me a good man in Trump....quite the opposite when something as this is unleashed by one man.....and accepted as ok.