However, even if this was done with malicious intent, it falls far short of murder, serial rape, sale of national security secrets, perjury, obstruction of justice, and other improprieties that the Clintons could be accused of with apparent justification.
IF (big if) Cruz himself sent it with the intent of hurting Carson unjustly, it still falls far short of the criminal weight class either the Clintons or Obama are in.
Who will the Canadian schlong in New Hamshire?
I agree with you about the level the Clintons go to is above what Cruz has done. I guess my point is the Clintons wouldn’t bat an eye doing exactly the same thing that Cruz did and have probably done it or something similar multiple times over the years.
I don’t know who in Cruz’ camp sent the message
I don’t know who sent the voter violation notifications
I didn’t know I was a Canadian citizen
I didn’t know I had health insurance when I said I didn’t
I voted for the corker bill to stop the Iran deal
I supported TPA because I knew I would be POTUS and could change TPP then
I supported TPA so the next president would have fast track authority
I voted for TPA because mitch lied to me
Oh, by the way, did you know I’m a Harvard educated constitutional expert and lawyer with scruples.