Congrats to both of you... I as a Cruz leaning and exuberant Trump liking voter just might ditch your fav guy! How about that ignoramuses? Why don’t you go on a country wide tour and lose the election to Hillary? Clueless you both are! Sure you will be back slapping each other over your clever maneuvering.
Just WHOM do you assume that I am supporting in the primaries?
I am far from being "clueless"; OTOH....................
Here's a helpful hint.......I have been happily working on everyone I know to vote for a really terrific patriot, who loves this once great nation, her people, the military, the vets, and who is self-funding. If that sounds like Hillary, to you, you are in more trouble than I can imagine.
And to think, antceecee, in post #164 you were calling me your dear friend. I’ll cherish that one fleeting moment always.