Why do we need to put everyone into these little groups? That is what liberals do.
This site is really starting to concern me lately.
Pigeonholing is part of human nature. We all try to interpret data by placing it into categories. It is a shorthand method for dealing with different facets of the world.
For example, humans prefer "yes" or "no" answers. They don't like shades of gray or probability equations. Those are too difficult to process. They prefer answers in black or white because then the responses to them become easier.
Hence categorization. It's actually a survival trait.
When a person sees a snake, it is imperative that they react immediately rather than take time pondering whether or not it is deadly. Therefore they categorize all snakes as "potentially deadly" so that they can react quickly.
It may not be perfectly accurate, but it is better to err on the side of caution.
This site is really starting to concern me lately.
You have to take the bad with the good. Some people here are sensible, some people here are less so. We are a cross section of a large group of people, and it's very unlikely any of us are perfect. :)