I never saw the humor in Leno. Can someone explain?
Well, at least we’re getting the answer to the question of what Jay’s political leanings are — squishy, moderate Republican.
Hope Leno’s wrong. There’s no one else that I can see except for Cruz who for some reason doesn’t seem to have what it would take to beat out the Loony Leftists. I just can’t take Carson seriously and I can’t stand Fiorina or Rubio.
Jay's a funny guy, you have to admit, although I don't rely on him for political prognostication. He just gave Trump another idea--send a carton of 2% milk to Lindsey Graham, except it would be more like 1% in his case.
And why don’t I see the humor? Maybe because I’m afraid of the future of this country....
I like Leno. But clearly he is a bit disconnected from average folks.
Average folks love Trump, and his numbers keep going up. He is going to win this thing in a landslide both in the primary and in the general.
That's pretty funny, actually. I never thought Leno was that good, but that line at least is funny.
His poll numbers aren’t going to drop.
You’re probably correct. Smells like panic. Trump must be doing better than the media is saying. My guess is private poll results are scaring the so-called movers and shakers.
Leno didn’t even figure out that he was dropping out of late night.
If the Trump is going to drop out, why is he ahead of anyone else?
.... ahhh isnt that what Trump Said .... that if his pole numbers drop ...that he wont be a mascochist ....and just drop out .... Jay is sounding like he misses being noted and popular ... There maybe a 12 step program for old comedians feeling rejected ....
Just sayin ...
Leno should tell jokes on how many boys attend a Barry Diller pool party.
Jay.....shut up and play cars.
Did you hear he said, she said, they said, he said, she said, they heard, he heard, she heard, he said, she said they said....
Good grief!
Ok cool your jets. This was not Leno’s position or belief.
Leno was mocking the Washington beltway crowd of journalists and MSNBC commentators. Trump dropping out has been their fall-back position for so long that Leno was making fun of it.
He had that Leno twinkle in his eye when he said it to the very journalists on the ‘Morning Joe’ set who have been proclaiming Trump’s eventual withdrawal.
It seemed more serious when he said that of the republican choices he thought Jeb would prevail and that it was his personal choice.
So give Leno a break. He was tweaking the libs.
The guy I like is a guy from Ohio, Leno said, referencing Kasich. “He seems like a normal, decent guy.
That statement will serve as a reference point for Leno. He reaches out and picks one of the losers to stay safe.
When I think of Leno and serious politics, I think Schwarzenegger.
We know how that turned out.
When the votes are in, everyone will see that the silent majority has voted for Trump. Cruz can be VP and Carson can head medical folks, Carly...out to lunch....Biden...looney farm...Hildabeast incarcerated.