Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on American companies that put their factories in other countries.” He’s also vowed to to increase taxes on the compensation of hedge fund managers to ensure that the rich pay “their fair share.” Recent estimates put Trump’s tax reform plan as adding 10 TRILLION to the National Debt. His position on illegal immigration involves somehow sending over 12 million illegals “home” only to let most of them return. He’s against pulling funding for planned parenthood because, “they do many other good things.” He now SAYS he’s opposes abortion but his position for years supported free choice at any stage of pregnancy. Until VERY recently, he supported a ban on assault weapons. He says he’ll repeal Obamacare but he’s expressed support of a single payer system. From what I’ve heard thus far, Donald Trump is not a cheerleader for limited government. Seems more PROGRESSIVE than Conservative. I’m finding it interesting that so many here seem to consider Trump as a shining star for the GOP. I just don’t see it.
“Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on American companies that put their factories in other countries.
How on earth can that be a negative?
“Recent estimates put Trumps tax reform plan as adding 10 TRILLION to the National Debt.”
Trump’s plan is a retread of the very successful Reagan tax cut. The detractors of Reagan’s plan said the EXACT same thing. Reagan’s tax cut doubled government revenue.
“His position on illegal immigration involves somehow sending over 12 million illegals home only to let most of them return.”
Most??? He said those who benefit the United States, and he describes the ones he is talking about. It doesn’t come close to “most”.
“...but hes expressed support of a single payer system.”
No. he did not. You need to check that.
Abortion - he says he changed his views based on the same reason a friend of mine says he changed.
Assault weapons - he says is for the 2nd amendment, packs heat himself.
There are tens of millions of illegals in the United States. It they obtain amnesty, you want have to worry about conservatism. It will be gone, forever. Trump is the ONLY one who says he will deport. Anything else is amnesty.
” Im finding it interesting that so many here seem to consider Trump as a shining star for the GOP. I just dont see it.”
And yet you are the same guy who once posted this:
“Giuliani? McCain? Id vote for either one of them in a heartbeat to ensure that another Clinton didnt occupy the oval office!”
Don't care about the GOP...The GOP stinks almost as bad as the Democrat Party does...Maybe worse...
Trump is a (the) shining star for America...