By how many mothers?
The media will report this with the usual “,who is white,” and “,who is black,”. They deliberately and intentionally, with full knowledge and awareness, choose to stir up racial animosity and hatred, hoping for riots, which they rush in to film.
Yeah, but was he turning his life around and planning to enter community college in September?
But he was a good boy. He had just enrolled in courses in analytical statistics at the local community college and was eagerly anticipating a career in rocket science.
Love for what? Drugs? Money? Home electronics?
After all stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com is a well-known and trusted news source.
Just as a reminder, Cincinnati had multi-day riots in April of 2001 over black men getting shot and killed by police, despite their being richly deserving (think events like with Michael Brown in Ferguson).
It was not well-reported by the national media (surprise! surprise!) but was covered extensively here, including with lots of real-time posts by locals listening to police radios.
Of course, it all got forgotten about due to events of September of that year.
In the "inner city", the women get their vaginas tingling over the "gangsta thugs", not the guys working honest-but-low-paid jobs.
The "gangstas" are the ones fathering the next generation of ever-more-violent thugs.
Unarmed? A vehicle IS a deadly weapon. Look up all the people who’ve been run down & murdered that way.
Just another case of suicide by cop.
It’s too late now, for riots. History shows us that riots only occur when the media comes in early, and reports 1)a lie, 2)incitement to riot, and 3) a speech by Obama about a ‘look-alike’ who has been unfairly attacked. The story is too old, now.
Ohio Ping
Freep mail if you want on or off the list.
Her son is full of lead.
Are there likely to be sympathy riots in Columbus? We have to attend a wedding there this weekend.
“...a 43-year-old father of 13 children...”
Well, we know what WAS working in his life.
Will whites riot over the man beaten by a black mob?
A solid citizen no doubt.
The 60th arrest was the final straw, he was just turning his life around, heading off to chrior practice and an up and coming young executive in a Fortune 500 company....
13 Children by.........let me guess, 13 women?
White cop, black perp: presumption of cop’s guilt by #blacklivesmatter.