I would like to hear what you think about this.
Judge Sullivan: Some Arrests at 2004 RNC Lacked Probable Cause
The matter of 177 identical probable cause affidavits seem outrageous on its face. In the matter I linked, the judges affirms the requirement of individualized probable cause for crimes alleged to have been committed by each individual arrested.
“I would like to hear what you think about this.”
Thank you. I’ll get to it later today or tonight.
“Judge Sullivan: Some Arrests at 2004 RNC Lacked Probable Cause “
Holly smoke, what a mess. I have no idea what the legalities are in the situation presented. But officers are individuals acting in a group for the defense of society and property. A mob is composed of individuals with individual agendas, some of which may be criminal and some of which may be legal. The criminals perpetrate a crime and the presence and active participation, perhaps in defending the criminals from capture, tends to implicate all protester parties in the offense. In Florida, if several people are in a group, traveling in the same car, for example, and one of them kills somebody over a drug debt, then all are equally guilty. (This happened to my neighbor’s kids friends.) On the wider scale, Hamas shoots rockets at Israel from the courtyard of a UN run school. Israel responds by bombing the school. In all cases the “innocent” suffer for being “with” the guilty.
This is why we have courts and judges, to sort these things out. The one thing I am certain of, the media will take the most partisan and emotional view because it’s drama. Drama makes viewership and viewership is as valuable to them as gold coins.