By the time Ramses the Great [sic] was born, Moses had been dead for centuries.
The Exodus took place at the end of the Middle Kingdom, right at the time of the takeover of Egypt by the Hyksos, a.k.a. the Amalekites.
The Downfall of Egypt and —
The Amalekites of the Bible!
The Egyptian king-lists at Abydos in Upper Egypt completely ignore a period of almost 500 years, and jump from King Amenemhet IV of the 12th Dynasty to King Aahmes of the 18th — why? What occurred during this period of “darkness” that the Egyptians refused to record? Read about the inscriptions on the el-Arish stone and the traditions recorded by the Islamic historians, and how a devastated Egypt was INVADED WITHOUT A FIGHT by armies from the “east.”