Beware of a silent dog and still water.
Though I thought of one thing this morning. What if he was hypnotized and coded? It is known that hypnosis cannot be used to force people to kill themselves, but it is possible to force them to do something that they think is harmless. For example: "Once the trigger event happens, you lock the door and set the autopilot on descent. Do not touch controls further. Close your eyes and relax."
This theory may have value because even a suicidal person is probably not too happy to set the course for his destruction and then wait for ten minutes. It wouldn't be pleasant. He could simply turn the engines off, for example, or to set the airplane to dive; probably it would have fallen apart from excessive airspeed even before hitting the ground - and the destruction would be just as quick.
This theory of hypnosis may also do something with the lost Indonesian airliner. Behavior of the pilot(s) there is equally strange. Were these incidents a trial run?
One thing that seems weird to me, is that the co-pilot must not have exhibited ANY unusual signs/symptoms prior to boarding the plane..
it is my understanding that if the pilot observes anything unusual he has the authority to ground the plane, at least until a replacement copilot becomes available..
Also, assuming the copilot seemed ok on boarding, but began exhibiting odd behavior during the flight, would a pilot leave the cockpit, for ANY reason?
And if the report is true that there was no change in respiration rate of the copilot until the collision with the ground, that is extremely bizarre. I would think there would be an increase in respiration as soon as he locked the pilot out of the cockpit, and then made the final decision to crash the plane.
I am also wondering about a hypnosis angle, or some sort of drug, perhaps even administered without knowledge of the copilot. I know I’m getting into very bizarre speculation here, and I am neither a pilot nor anyone who has any experience with weird drugs, but based on what I have seen so far, this just gets weirder and weirder...