Mexico has a vaccination rate of 89% and the US has a vaccination rate of 91%. Neither rates are high enough to sustain herd immunity, and those numbers provide no evidence that the disease has been introduced or spread by illegal aliens.
I don’t think this has much to do with illegals, school hadn’t started when that rinovirus outbreak started, and if it really was “caused” by illegals you’d think we’d’ve heard about some illegals getting sick.
This measles outbreak is cause by white liberals (and some non-liberals I’m sure) not vaccinating their children.
They are foolish and they’ve been sold a pack of lies and they are endangering their children and others.
You always say this. What is wrong with what you say is that there are many illegals in the US that are not from Mexico.
Why is it that you keep spouting this?
I do not get it. Surely you are not ignorant?
Uh, most of the illegals on the trains were from places further south than mexico. BTW, how on earth are we supposed to believe that the children born in dirt poor areas of mexico are vaccinated?
What were vaccination rates prior to the last two years? If the rates weren't any higher but the disease had been declared eradicated in the U.S. explain how that works?
Ha ha ha democrat talking point