Who pulled the trigger?
Not only that, but IMHO, had the cops disarmed her and sent her back to Granny, her next “cry for help” would have been to attack one or more unarmed civilians and kill or maim some of them. Then the hankie twisters on FR would have attacked the police from some other angle.
Don’t let her waif-like appearance fool you. The little bastard who pulled off the Sandy Hook massacre was so wimpy, he looked like he couldn’t pull his own puddin’ and look at that result!
By virtue of the phone call made in the lobby of the PD, her actions were premeditated, and appear to be suicidal. That was the outcome, anyhow.
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape. You don’t spit into the wind. You don’t pull the mask off the Lone Ranger. And you don’t start a ruckus in the Police Station while carrying a weapon. That’s NOT in the Bill of Rights!