No...they sound correct. A REAL man wouldn't have needed to shoot her. A REAL man would have assessed the threat...UNDERSTOOD that I had THREE (3) buddies with me...would have looked for an alternative. PERIOD. That's what a REAL man would have done. A wuss would have gone through their justifiable "I feared for my life" checklist and pulled the trigger.
Thus....draw your own conclusion about yourself. If you ever need help...I suggest you call some real men.
“A REAL man would have assessed the threat...UNDERSTOOD that I had THREE (3) buddies with me...would have looked for an alternative. PERIOD.”
You might not have had enough time to even *think* that, let alone be able to *do* it. I’ll wait until they release the video before I second-guess anyone.
No, what you are describing are foolish men.
These three men all went home to their families despite having their lives threatened for no reason.
If I ever need help, I will help myself, because I am a real man.
You think I’m going to get on the phone, lol?
Stuff it, dude.