Those "peaceful protestors/looters" in Missouri ought to get down on their knees and thank their favorite deity that their ancestors were loaded on slave ships.
Hey young College liberal emptyheaded progressive brainwashed obamazombies this is right down your alley this is what you voted for and what you fainted for, jobs,jobs,jobs!!!!! this is change in all its glory
Within a couple more generations, they’ll be back to the Stone Age.
We’ve got our own ObaMugabe creating the same situation over here. Unemployment may not be 80%, but he has cooked the books to make it appear to be 6%. Anyone who imagines that 94% of the people who can work are actually working, is fooling themself.
It was only recently that I learned why Jamaica and other small countries are so poor. The UN and its world trade fingers force countries to produce certain goods and stop producing things they have grown for years. Jamaica used to grow its own bananas. Now it is forced by the WTO to pay to import them.
Soon they will be telling us what the US has to do and Obeyme will just smile, say yes, and go on another golfing vacation.
If he means by getting out of the way I agree, otherwise I think I see the problem.
"The government says our industries will soon be up and running and many jobs will be created as we revamp our dilapidated industrial infrastructure. I hope we will benefit from the youth empowerment fund," said Kenneth Dirwai (27), an unemployed youth who is still under the care of his parents.
Sounds eerily close to what we hear from 27 yr old "youths" here who voted for Papa O'Dingo.
They still support the land theft program to kick out the productive whites though.
"Low GDP and low investment in Zimbabwe are direct causes of the shrinking jobs in Zimbabwe. Our government should consider reforming its economy to allow more labour-intensive industries to develop," Chiperekwa said. "It is government's responsibility to create a conducive economic environment that promotes employment,"
Welcome to obamanomics. No, dude, it's not the government's responsibility but your responsibility. If Dad is a lowly basket weaver, then get a business degree and grow the family trade into a profitable company. Of course, Dad was doing something right when he was able to pay your college tution.
Moses Mutungwazi (29) who graduated with a Masters’ Degree in Peace and Governance
I think I see his problem right there.
In Eton, Cambridge and Oxford; at the Times of London and the BBC; in Parliament and Downing Street they are rubbing their hands together in glee at how well their Rhodesia plan worked out.
Lol, if a person wants to survive, never mind prosper, in a backward dung hole like Zimbabwe, why in the world would he waste his time getting an advanced degree in "peace and governance???" In fact, why would you do that in a first world country unless you wanted to be a leech your whole life?
That is the crux of the problem, IMO: nobody wants to work. They should learn farming, mining, manufacturing, business, construction, etc., all on the small scale at first. Either that or they should resign themselves to being street vendors and prostitutes forever... Quit whining. Kill your tyrant and get to work on the other.
Hard work and overthrowing a tyrant is how America did it. In fact, even mighty America went into a serious tailspin when its people started studying crap like peace and governance. Zimbabwe can avoid that pitfall. America can't, and now finds itself in need of throwing off its yolk of secular progressivism and all the other little tyrannical things (and people) that come with it.
He said a more moderate and transparent indigenisation programme would not only discourage corruption and looting, but would also encourage foreign investors to come to Zimbabwe, bringing the much-needed money and employment for the highly educated populace that the country takes so much pride in.
These assholes have already forgotten their track record with “investors”.