“there are a couple of shots in the arm that could have come from behind”
How can you say that? If they haven’t released any report on the trajectory, then none of us have a clue.
I base my statement about no shots in the back on the reports I read. Now I read people, like yourself, drawing conclusions about how his arms must have been held, what must have happened....and you draw these conclusions based on...? Pictures on the internet? Reports with no discussion of trajectory? And your forensic expertise is...?
We know that the initial story about a gentle innocent young man minding his business, then being shot down in cold blood while kneeling with his hands up - is completely false. We know he was a thug, we know he used violence to get what he wanted, we know he used illegal drugs, we are fairly certain he attacked the police officer. Yet you keep desperately trying to hang on to the “shot in the back while walking away and surrendering at the same time” nonsense.
Yes...There was a drawing put out by the Coroner showing where the bullet holes were...That's what my ideas are based on...