This is a lie. All illegal aliens now know that they don’t have a chance in hell of being deported with Barry in the White Hut. Hell! Illegal aliens now go straight to Ted Cruz’s office to protest. The monster has oozed out of the “shadows”.
I totally agree! What, did we deport a whole 75 people recently! As if this country deports anybody anymore.
There’s a lot more to this story. The deportation stuff is just a smoke screen for something else! Either they had something illegal in the car or her boyfriend is a complete idiot and killed innocent people over a minor violation!
And even if, by some miracle, they do get deported, they can just waltz right back in. How many times have we seen an article about an illegal alien committing some crime and it will say, "Mr. Lopez Garcia Sandoval Ramirez had previously been deported nine times"?
Since I cancelled cable I serf the regular channels and I can read enough Spanish to see there’s a channel devoted to nothing but immigration.