B.s., by not voting for the republican candidate, you helped Obama win.
When the republicans run conservatives I vote for them. When they run socialists/liberals or use voter fraud or character assassination against conservatives as in Mississippi, I don’t vote for republicans. Romney as the republican candidate sat at home and refused to compete against the democrats. He thinks like them and would rather help democrats than conservatives. That was obvious in his Obama is just “in a little over his head” statements. No criticism, no opposing statements, no hardball, just patty cake.
The candidate you love and are so foolishly slavering over right now refused to go after anything Obama did as wrong. If you support Romney as a candidate, you help Obama and every other democrat win because he would rather help every other democrat win. He fooled you into believing he was a viable candidate and you let Romney snooker you. Most people recognize when they have been taken and refuse to be fooled again. You, on the other hand, are going to be taken multiple times.
... and by voting for the republican candidate, you helped leftism win.
America told your guy Romney to get off when it stood back and let Obama stay, IChing. Let leftists elect leftists. Non-leftist Americans wanted no part of it and stayed home.