Exactly. When they quit cooking their fries in beef tallow I quit buying their fries. Can’t find good fries anywhere now thanks to the nanny state so I just make them at home. And if I go anywhere now it’s only after making sure the drinks are in foam cups, because down here in Florida the ice melts too fast and then the waxed paper cups make the beverages taste horrible.
Our local KFC went out of business but I didn’t notice right away since I quit going to KFCs when they changed their slaw from the nice bright green variety to the pasty white disgusting slaw everyone makes these days. Did the EPA pass some anti-chlorophyll law or something? They might have saved themselves if they had bothered to hire grannies with potato mashers instead of opting to serve instant mashed potatoes, which have always been disgusting, but the instant mashed potato problem they had has to my knowledge been their problem since before I was born.
I am pretty sure they were always instant, never liked them, but they were/are edible if you are hungry.