I have heard all that before and I don’t really believe it..I think that older Jews are Democrats because they still view the right wing as the big government oppressors who scape goated he Jews as the cause of all the problems, starting with the Dreyfus episode in France.
What happened drove a lot of Jews to socialism, not big government socialism, more like anarchist socialism. They never got over the labels and still cannot get past them, even though the meanings have completely changed.
“What happened drove a lot of Jews to socialism, not big government socialism, more like anarchist socialism. They never got over the labels and still cannot get past them, even though the meanings have completely changed.”
I’d back it up even further. Most of the “first wave” Jewish people (pre-WWII), came from Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, etc), where the Jewish people faced massive oppression and discrimination from nationalistic groups (Google Black Hundreds, for example)
The nationalistic groups made the Nazis look like pikers.
The “safer” harbor was the communist party, who promised the Jews an equal shot.
Of course, the commies lied, but the lie was revealed 40 years after they fled, so they were already ingrained.