You like Sarah, but not her child. Fine. I’m fairly certain Sarah would stick by her daughter no matter what mistakes she made in the past, and will love her and her grandchild unconditionally.
As for who destroyed Sarah’s career? You must not have been paying attention to all of the dumpster diving low life’s of the left who, when not finding anything of consequence, proceeded to make crap up out of whole cloth.
Bristol was more or less a child, and made a mistake. We’ve all been there, even you I suspect. But she did not compound her mistake by taking the liberal way out and terminating her child.
What ever slings and arrows you wish to sling Bristols way - Be Advised - Watch out for momma grizzlies.
They will eat you up.
NO, no, once she finds out that I disapprove, she'll disown her. Duh. Of course she loves her child. But I don't, and no one is going to make me.
As for who destroyed Sarahs career? You must not have been paying attention to all of the dumpster diving low lifes of the left who, when not finding anything of consequence, proceeded to make crap up out of whole cloth.
The crap they made up didn't stick. But little darling here went on to her B-list celebrity life and made absolutely certain she wasn't forgotten. Charming child.
Bristol was more or less a child, and made a mistake. Weve all been there, even you I suspect. But she did not compound her mistake by taking the liberal way out and terminating her child.
Her mistake had all the timing of a teenager who didn't give a damn about her mother.
What ever slings and arrows you wish to sling Bristols way - Be Advised - Watch out for momma grizzlies. They will eat you up.
No, they'll insult me on the internet. Oh dear. Oh dear.
The troll is upset over the court decision, and on this thread she has found a way to vent against Christians and conservatives, without having to address the specifics of why she is against the decision.