It doesn’t take a majority, not even close. What we’re talking about cannot be fixed by elections because elections are fixed. It just takes a very small amount of patriots willing to go all the way. “An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!”
>>> An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!
You are half-right.
If people are not willing to vote, they will not be willing to fight to defend the process. Likewise, if they are not willing to defend the vote, they will not take up arms against a government they don’t believe is illegitimate.
They don’t defend the vote because they don’t yet realize it is corrupted.
They will not take up arms until they realize that the enemy is in charge of our military.
It does take a majority to win elections, but it takes a super-majority to mount a viable over-throw... and that’s not going to happen until a majority realize where we really are... and by that time it will be (or is) too late.
That leaves us with the latter half of your point... To get right with God, and Trust in Him. He truly is all we have left.