We’re way beyond “yellow” journalism. These days it’s “red” journalism.
A journalism which employs the power of its vast audience to accomplish beneficial results for all the people is the Journalism of the Future. Better still, I think it is the Journalism of the Present. I cannot imagine why anyone should want to print a newspaper except for that purpose.That is a perfectly rational perspective. I agree with it.However, that is not objective. Anyone who expects objectivity in journalism expects what never was, and what can never be. However factual a paper may be - and that is a fact not always in evidence - the decisions on what to report and what to omit inevitably express a perspective which the editor, and the publisher who employs him, are willing or eager to project.
I myself don't find any satisfaction in sensational news, comic supplements, dress patterns, and other features of journalism, except as they serve to attract an audience to whom the editorials in my newspapers are addressed. You must first get your congregation before you can preach to it, and educate it to an appreciation and practice of the higher ideals of life."Fine - except that sensational news has an ideological implication. If you arent comfortable with the ideological implication of reporting news which casts a negative light on the people who are trying to get things done and working to a bottom line, you cant be a journalist. If you are, then you can be a journalist, but you are not objective - you are a liberal - that is, you are a socialist.
It would take a titanic change in mass media to ever get real honesty.