The Democrats have attempted to shelter Lerner, decrying Issa's investigation as a "political witch hunt" and portraying her as a poor innocent being deprived of her constitutional rights. So's worked to some extent.
However, we are soon going to be treated to the spectacle of multiple VA administrators being hauled before House and Senate committees, and guess what..there won't be any Democrats there to defend them.
So all of these now wretched souls will do the only thing they can...plead the 5th amendment...over and over..and this is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
People...especially independents are going to realize that we have a government that is out of control, staffed by people who believe they are better than we are, and there is going to be hell-to-pay.
Republicans could do the smart thing, and run in 2014 on Ronald Reagan's words of wisdom from his Inaugural Address:
"Government is not the solution, it's the problem."
It’s my observation that the average citizen is more aware of the VA scandal than the IRS scandal, or they see the first as important and grin maniacally about the second.
Another difference is that Lerner should not be allowed to take the Fifth because of her assertion of innocence before she tried to take it. This won’t be as important, though, because the emotional perception is 100% of the outcome, not anything as sophisticated as law.
I do hope it turns on her, but it’s a different crowd that is concerned about the VA. They could rejoice in the takedown of the VA administrators and not give a fig about Lerner.
how do we know they’ll all plead the 5th?
If the GOP congress had a working set, they could hand over each of the uncooperative VA officials to the state authorities of the states wherein the deaths occurred, to face state charges of negligent homicide, as Judge Pirro hinted in her most excellent opening rant.
The population has been dumbed down and dumped into dependency over the last 50 years. Although the LIVs may not vote in off year elections, they usually will show up for the presidential elections. As long as they can watch reality TV, play video games and order pizza with their EBTs, voting patterns will not substantially change.
The LIVs must experience pain and make a direct connection to the actual source of the problem- fascist/Marxist politicians. Unfortunately, it appears that only a civil war or societal collapse will awaken the LIVs. But if there is some sort of collapse, you can be sure that the LIVs will feel it first and the results will not be pretty.
In the end, you can always count on the elites to employ a divide and conquer strategy by demonizing the productive class, conservatives, Christians, veterans, and start gender and race wars as a way to keep opponents neutralized.
As much as I wish you were right, I think you are way off.
It might as well be done in a vacuum. The MSM will be in full spin mode to minimize both the coverage and any potential damage. If they can’t, then fully half or more if the electorate could not care less and won’t pay attention anyway. The only folks who will pay attention are political junkies and the 25% of the GOP who identify with/as tea party or conservative.
Not a dang thing will happen to anyone. I hope I’m wrong.
I love the announcement today that the director of the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System Sharon Helman was wrongly paid her over $9,000 “bonus” by “due to an administrative error.”. Helman should be indicted and arrested for fraud.
One party rule ping.