Perhaps you would prefer a different term? It matters little. Bandying semantics is a fool's errand. The facts just won't go away, will they? 5.5 million murders inspired by racial malice are a pretty big thing to forget. Have you forgotten them? I have not. Hitler et al murdered almost 12 million people in the death camps. Deal with it.
That indicates they are intentionally trying to hide something.
Intentionally? Well, yes. Of course. They're human; they act according to plans and intentions. It's what humans do. I suppose we could say that they're mere brute beasts, acting according to instinct ... but I know that to be false. I cannot speak to the knowledge possessed by others, nor can I speak to their intentions.
I can only speak to my own knowledge and intentions. I know that Hitler's atrocities far exceed the 6 million Jews he murdered. I intend that we NEVER FORGET.
So, then, are Christians trying to hide something when they detail the number of Christians killed in Syria and not mention the Muslims being killed?
Or are they just detailing the impact on their own community?