Noting your choice of quotation marks. How would you describe what Russia is doing? Or is the use of quotation marks your indication that Russia is acting in a "globalist" fashion?
The Russian Federation, the European countries and the US and UK are all co-investors in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to the tune of billions of Euros.
The EBRD website shows several billion euros invested in Ukraine.
This is more of a partnership squabble than “annexing”.
Russia wants to keep its naval port clearly under its control, while the US/UK/Euro nations, at the behest of financial elites, want to bring Ukraine under the EU legal and financial umbrella. Though already doing massive amounts of business in Ukraine, the financiers of course want to have the options of forced austerity, EU tax/legal regimes, etc., at their disposal.
Obviously the financiers are trying to get political support in the West for a civil war to break Ukraine in two, which would give Russia its port and the rest to the West.
Otherwise, it has to be a black op, and US politicians, if the truth comes out later, would have blame for the op laid at their feet, instead of being able to blame the public outcry for war to help the “beleagured Ukrainians” with their $5 billion worth of “European aspirations”.
The pro-any-war part of the American political scene is leaking members.
It doesn’t make much sense for Ukrainian oligarchs and politicans to “go rogue” on the international financiers and have their own civil war without planning and financing from the US, which brings with it the certainty of planning and financing for post-war reconstruction and organization.
Unplanned civil wars basically just don’t ever happen because there are so many more financial gains to be made if there is a plan instead of just chaos. Planning allows for selection of leaders, setup of logistics and financing, etc., and thus the financiers can plan out the limitations they’ll set up for the side they’d prefer lost.
The “arab springs” were nothing more than ugly demonstrations, so the vassal replacement was accomplished without even needing a civil war or revolution.
It’s quite evil how the elite financiers think of national borders and governments like a sick joke that enables them to impose their will on the sheeple.