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To: CpnHook
[I apologize for how unpolished and rambly the following is. I know that it is in desperate need of better proofreading and especially tightening up. I would work to rid it of the redundancy and other needless verbosity that are typical of all my early drafts, but that might take me yet several more weeks. And, who knows, the universe may be shattered well in advance of that, making all this moot anyway! ;) ]

Too Little, Too Late you think for a moment that would quell the controversy? Or, rather, is it likely that the cries of "the person was threatened or bribed into saying that!" or "they must have created another forgery and showed that as the 'original!'" would immediately follow?

I admit that it would certainly do almost nothing to quell controversy unless perhaps some combination of the following conditions applied:

  1. The supervised review had happened near the time Obama had released his short form and Janice Okubo pronounced “we can’t be sure what the image represents.”
  2. High resolution scans/photos of the the original were publicly distributed
  3. The Vital Records registrar maintained a posture of openness with regard to legitimate appeals for follow-up questions and review

It’s this thing about a "posture of openness” in my item #3 above that I think could have helped me enormously to believe that Obama’s claims and documents were on the up and up. If Obama and HDOH have nothing to hide, then why shouldn’t they have been willing to be open and responsively working to nip-in-the-bud those many doubts while the election cycle of 2008 was still underway?

Let me attempt to address some of the some of the talking points your fellow Obama apologists typically use to explain HDOH’s reticence. As I’m sure you’re aware, a key element in my argument is that I regard the behaviors of the Obama Campaign, The White House, the HDOH and other HI state agencies and a few indirectly connected parties to be inconsistent with a circumstance in which there is nothing needing to be hidden about Obama’s identity and past. Here I will be focussing mostly on just the HDOH and especially their posture starting from the 2008 campaign and on through to the opening months of Obama’s presidency .

Argument 1: The HDOH was bound by law to prevent the release of Obama’s long-form to anyone, including Obama himself.

First, the HDOH sees its policy to withhold copies of long-form birth certificates as discretionary. This is why when push came to shove much later on, the HDOH made an exception to its policy, independent of any changes to State laws, and issued a supposed long-form copy to Obama after all. Second, individuals claim to have specifically requested and to have received long-form copies of their own B.C.s directly from the HDOH during the time frame surrounding Obama’s candidacy and inauguration and beyond. Third, this testimony is wholly unsurprising given that during much of the same time period, the state’s Home Lands program’s official web site directed applicants to request long-form BC copies from the HDOH to ensure that evidence of their eligibility was sufficient.

Did you catch the significance of that last point? Ironically, the state itself had a program that had regarded, well into 2008, its own short-form abstract birth certifications to lack sufficient evidentiary content to substantiate their claims upon state afforded resources. Nevertheless, HDOH and the Obama campaign had scant sympathy for Obama’s political opponents who felt an unverified digital representation of the purported short form (released at first with its serial number redacted) was to flimsy a basis on which to extend him the right to be elected the most powerful man on Earth?

Furthermore, if the HDOH was just hell-bent on upholding policies and laws meant to protect privacy, why was then director Chiyome Fukino able to release statements, first that a birth certificate is on file, but later and more to the point that the dept’s "vital records" (note the plural) indicated Obama was a "natural-born American citizen"? Would someone like to explain which policies give the HDOH discretion to unilaterally produce official public statements about selective portions of the content and secondary implications of ostensibly Obama’s original birth certificate(s) and which ones were then barring them from releasing even so much as an image of the long form?

Argument 2: Hawaii could have legally released Obama’s records only to Obama himself.

Hawaii allows record copies to be issued to not only the individual of record, but also to family members and to those with a tangible interest. What is a person with tangible interest? Could that phrase potentially mean a third party who has a need to verify an individual’s identity claim in order to ensure that money (such as an inheritance or a scholarship) is distributed only to those qualified? Could tangible interest include the needs of litigant or attorney in a lawsuit or criminal prosecution when pertinent evidence can determined through review of vital records? Are those the only cases? Could it not possibly be stretched to include the needs of voting citizens governed by a constitution which establishes a particular birth requirement among the qualifications for holding the republic’s highest office?

At this point I can almost hear you raring back with your legal dictionary ready to pummel me over my utter failure to grasp the concept or technical meaning of "tangible interest.” If that is the case, please feel free to proceed by describing the criteria under which a third party's need to see a vital record does indeed rise to the level of “tangible interest.” I sure I’m not the only one who would enjoy a little lesson on what cases are regarded by those fluent in technical legalese as substantiating more legitimately “tangible interest” than the particular case of determining whether a candidate for or an occupant of the highest office in the nation meets the constitutional requirements thereof. Don’t worry, you need not condescend to the point of prefacing your definition by reminding me that "terms of art” shouldn’t be misconstrued to bear any sensible relationship the the most obvious natural meaning of their words as understood by unenlightened plain folk like me. I daresay we’ve all heard enough of that already.

Regardless of the degree to which “tangible interest” may be technically aloof from the lowly concerns of voting taxpayers, opposition candidates and military personnel, I contend that the term could have been stretched easily and safely to cover the curious case of Candidate Obama—provided that there was nothing in such a usage that would tend to implicate any wrongdoing. In such an innocent case as that, surely stretching the tangible interest clause would be at least as safe as imagining up those policies that allowed Fukino to go on record about what HDOH records exist and what they say about Obama. This goes to a larger point that is applicable to virtually all doubts about the HDOH’s integrity: What penalty or liability or injured party or lawsuit can be found threatening by anyone when it comes to releasing Obama’s records in 2008--if in fact such a release could only serve to prove that his public claims were thoroughly and utterly honest?

Nevertheless, as you will now prudently remind me, the law is the law, and honorable men could never be so unjust as to think of taxpayers and soldiers as having a tangible interest in documents that reveal whether their next chief executive is lawfully, constitutionally qualified to serve. Have it your way, then. For the sake of argument, let us concede that there are really good reasons to not violate the sanctity of “tangible interest” with the unreasonable burdens of Americans who wish to abide by the Constitution.

So, without tangible interest to aid us, let us consider that the President could have at least simply spared the expense of roughly one c-note and signed off on a request to have official copies of his records sent by certified mail to such destinations as perhaps administrators of the federal elections committee, three or four major news outlets, both of the U.S. congressional chambers and the national headquarters of the RNC. Why wouldn’t this have happened very early on if everything was above reproach? Of course you surely wouldn’t argue tangible interest must be established for parties when they themselves have been specifically designated by the principal of record as the intended addressees? See how simple that step would have been in the early days of growing doubt?

Argument 3: HDOH would subject itself to a regrettable precedent by being unusually open about Obama’s records

So let’s suppose that the HDOH felt a great need to be relatively undisclosing about Obama not because there is anything questionable in his records, but because they felt it would create a future circumstance in which there would be new and mounting pressure to release private information about individuals that would potentially prove controversial and damaging. To make this argument hold the greatest weight, we could even include the idea that HDOH is harboring some information about one or more people not directly connected to Obama that if released could portend criminal implications for one or more individuals within the HDOH for gross failure to follow policies or some such corruption.

There are two simple reasons this argument does not hold water. First, throughout the early months of doubts about the vital records, Obama was in the exceedingly rare circumstance of being one of a handful of presidential frontrunners, becoming eventually the DNC nominee and ultimately the President elect. Hawaii needed only to say something narrow like, “We’re making this historical one-time exception because Obama is the DNC nominee for President and was born to a non-citizen parent within 3 years of Hawaii becoming an officially recognized State." They could have even added the qualifier that there was in Obama’s case also a conflict released from presumably official sources within Obama’s campaign about which Hospital was the site of his birth. What are the odds that a precedent built upon such an unlikely set of circumstances would ever need to be reapplied to anyone else?

Second, Hawaii was apparently not feeling very threatened by potential damages that could precipitate from making a precedent by granting an exception, because ultimately they did just that in Obama’s case, and to date the HDOH has been subjected to no pressure or public outcry to adhere to the Obama precedent with respect to anyone else--at least anyone else not potentially wrapped up directly in the Obama controversy. Of course, I add that latter clarification because there was one relatively noteworthy case subsequent to the April 2011 long-form exception made for Obama in which the plaintiff might have leveraged the precedent set in Obama’s case. That case, though, was about Virginia Sunahara, and the only reason the release of her long-form might have borne troubling consequences was if it spelled out problems related to the serial number portrayed as belonging on Obama’s long-form. But, if we go back to our presupposition that there’s nothing at all troubling about Obama’s birth certificate then there would never have been a reason for concern about someone seeking the long-form of Sunahara who died within a day of her birth.

Argument 4: Obama’s advisors concluded that stoking birthers into a frenzy through reticence would be politically advantageous

The instantly visible flaw of this argument is that HDOH is not not controlled by Obama’s campaign advisors, and thus it seems unreasonable to assume that HDOH personnel would have been willing to bear much of a burden at all just because they had perceived that the Obama campaign/administration wanted their assistance in milking the kooky controversy for all its worth for as long as possible.

As to the question of whether or not burdensome pressure was brought to bear upon HDOH, the evidence is clear. Representatives of the HDOH publicly portrayed the department as besieged and paralyzed by a relentless onslaught of questions and FOIA requests.

The above list is a brief summary of the forces bearing upon multiple agencies in the Hawaiian government that went as high as the to Governor herself. Surely this sufficiently illustrates the Obama birth certificate doubts did impose a very tangible strain on Hawaiian state resources and budget.

Given all the strain, what could possibly have been reason enough to make Hawaii willing to endure it for month after month just to keep taxpayers and political opponents from getting a wide open view of the private records whose full content would only confirm exactly what Obama had already publicly disclosed to all the world? Would the HDOH have willingly protected his privacy against the encroaching mob just as a favor to the Chicago campaign publicist who winked in their direction. Why expend so much energy to help a politician sustain his juvenile, selfish ruse and thus keep a bunch of kooks preoccupied? Would the campaign have directed a tight-lipped HDOH posture through a written memorandum (perhaps on threatening attorney office letterhead), given the risk that one day that correspondence might bubble to the surface? How even could such a letter convince Hawaii that there were any real teeth in the legal threats, given that their records would only serve to verify what Obama had been trumpeting openly. Did they think Obama’s lawyers would actually go to the extreme of bringing a lawsuit over their actions to reaffirm Obama’s own statements?

Taking a step back, let’s stop to again consider whether an uncompromising devotion to the letter of the law is likely what motivated Hawaii to prefer to languishing under the resource crunch rather than opening the vault door in the hopes of relieving much of the pressure that was constantly building. As I have already pointed out, releasing a copy of Obama's long-form to him personally and arguably to his designated third party recipients was already clearly allowed within the legal discretion of the HDOH. What’s more, HDOH’s practices allowed for an official documentary verification of the record to be sent to a third party under a certain circumstances, one of which was merely that the party requesting was doing so for educational purposes. Was no one able to meet that meager burden so that a verification could have been released in the in the autumn of 2008? Did Hawaii officials figure doing so would be a detriment to their organizational mission?

Nevertheless, no one was ever granted a letter of verification from the HDOH until there was a very real threat of renewed media attention. The dam finally broke in 2012 when Arizona’s Secretary of State expressed through a news outlet his frustration at the eight-and-counting weeks of delay for an answer to his indisputably valid request for verification. He expressed that Obama was at risk of being barred from Arizona ballots and suddenly, four years after the controversy originally arose, an HDOH associate quietly signed a page of legalese on Alvin T. Onaka’s behalf, applied the registrar's stamp and stuffed the first-ever Obama record "verification” into an envelope bound for the Grand Canyon State. Seemingly a letter of verification worded with inescapable clarity and thoroughness could have been issued to scores of requesters at any time over the campaign and years prior, but Hawaii wouldn’t budge—not even for a full year after the long-form scan had already been published to the White House web site!

Yes, but they did eventually verify the record, you say? Permit me now to make a very brief side-trip into the anatomy of high-stakes institutional deception. When officials in a corporation or an agency are caught between a rock and a hard place over a truth that they would prefer to conceal, the actions they take in any given moment are dictated by the relative strength in that instant of opposing forces either to stay quiet, to preserve plausible deniability, to muddle the issue with parallel but misleading distractions or to tell lies enshrouded by varying degrees of self-protective fuzziness. In general this means organizations will tend withhold comment or talk about the weather all day long until legitimate jeopardy of substantive penalties hits a fever pitch. Only at the boiling point can these entities be expected to start telling bolder lies about their nefarious secrets. I submit this principle proves quite useful as a lens through which one can gain insight into a broad array of the actions taken by the HDOH and Obama’s handlers since the days of 2008. It also makes for a very reasonable explanation of the odd wording chosen not only for the Arizona verification but also for the subsequent one issued to Kansas--the latter of which I note was conspicuously non-responsive to the very direct question about the pdf being an exact copy. As far as that goes, it’s worth considering how this principle applies to the attending factors in April 2011 when Obama suddenly demonstrated the long form could be made available to him, after all.

Argument 5: The HDOH was merely content that it had done enough to silence all reasonable doubts, so it chose to let its case rest.

See my response to argument 4 above. There was no rest for the Hawaiian government so long as it continued to hold its cards so close to the chest. That was a truth which constantly beckoned the decision makers to reevaluate their tact. Those cause and effect realities could not have been muffled or soothed by any assurance of Hawaii’s right to defiantly proclaim “It is so because we say it is so” under the Constitution's Full Faith and Credit clause. For always they knew that there remained a hope for relief, if at any time they could have mustered the all the mighty courage it would take to face the horrifying consequences of using readily available, legal avenues to open up the books and simply admit that their records could irrefutably confirm all Obama had said was true.

On this point, I will yet once again give consideration to the scant possibility that the folks at the HDOH were unwilling to find rest through a path of greater disclosure because they were ever abiding by an unflagging altruistic allegiance to what they regarded to be the requirement of the policies and privacy statutes to which they were bound. So then, if Hawaii’s reticence was rooted in her school marm commitment to remain ruly without reproach, might they have found any other escape valve by which to vent the mounting pressures that were daily stealing away their resources? I can think of at least one such valve, a valve so readily available and yet so perfectly avoided it remains in my thoughts as one of the more compelling arguments for my case. “If you want to know more about our records related to Barack Obama, just ask him.” Why, in the midst of all their statements, all their defensive measures, all their coping mechanisms did the Hawaiian officials never turn to that valve in any capacity, neither officially nor off the record nor through any single of their would-be surrogates, why?

Perhaps HDOH supposed it wouldn’t have worked; perhaps they figured the record-requesting hounds would have remained relentlessly trained on the HDOH regardless. But it would have been so easy a thing to try, and they could have done so at any and all points along the way! For goodness sakes, the HDOH bothered to deflect to the Attorney General, the governor and the entire Hawaiian state legislature to find relief. Why did they never deflect to Hawaii’s own up-and-coming favorite son? “He can show you what we’ve sent him in person.” "He can request that more copies of our records be sent out.” “He can proclaim his intent to waive his rights to privacy with respect to our files.”

Hawaii never went there. Nope. Never even implied such an idea. Is it possible Hawaii felt really sure from day one that Obama was in no mood to help?

It Takes a Conspiracy

My treatment of the above arguments may raise a new question in your mind: If the HDOH’s reticence subjected the department to so great a hassle and burden that a prudish obsession with the rules--even if combined with a desire to play along with Obama’s ruse—would not constitute sufficient motivation to for the agency to endure so faithfully, then what on earth would compel them to be so quiet for so long?

Everything changes once we drop the stipulation that Obama has nothing to hide. If Obama has a secret, there are various possible new sources of pressure that may fix their threatening gaze upon the HDOH. You’ll doubtlessly be surprised to learn that when I raise the specter of new pressures and threats, I have no need to invoke such kooky elements as Bilderbergs or illuminati or black helicopters or blackmail or pre-arranged plane crashes or CIA issued heart-attack guns. While I lack the knowledge necessary to completely preclude some sort of an enormous cache of clandestine operatives lurking in the shadows to hold the secrets at bay, I can definitely suggest some ideas of far simpler approaches that might have been employed keep the HDOH effectively under a gag order.

I want to clear upfront about the fact that I can only offer vague, speculative theories about whatever pressure has been at work to keep the HDOH actively waging the battle against open disclosure. I only mean to propose some thoughts that I think could plausibly be sufficient to hold Obama in check.

First, consider real threats of civil and/or criminal liability. You see, if there really is a skeleton in Obama’s closet, then suddenly those privacy laws that were all gums when we were thinking of Obama as honest, quickly grow a shiny white set of fearsome teeth when they serve to guard the privacy of unconfessed, potentially damaging information. If the HDOH were to violate its own rules to the slightest degree in a way that might bring unwanted exposure to damaging details, controlling legal authorities would doubtless be pressured to act with a vengeance against the agency and its individual employees. Couple that threat of fines and imprisonment alongside multi-million-dollar civil suits for bringing a major political campaign crashing down through culpable negligence and, viola, you have a frogman-free formula for pressure on HDOH people to hide what they can.

Second, consider that Obama might have found sympathizers within the HDOH. Don’t forget that there’s the strong possibility that the secret information is something that is legally inconsequential but embarrassing to Obama personally. It could even be details about his parentage that would once and for all remove any doubt about Obama’s eligibility. This brings compassion into the equation. Consider that a couple key officers might have felt that it would be an unjust travesty if baseless doubts about Obama’s eligibility were to become the leverage his adversaries need to bring shame upon him and his family before the eyes of a mocking and scornful world. That kind of compassion may at times even overcome a person’s own political bias. Keeping records safe to prevent someone from having to face needless shame and grief surely goes to the core values of many of the individuals charged as gatekeepers for the good of their fellow man. That may sound sarcastic, but I don’t mean it to. It seems very plausible that an unselfish desire to protect Obama from the sadness of laying bare to the world that for example he was born out of wedlock or adopted or born gender-uncertain, etc. may have figured in very tangibly into HDOH’s willingness to jump through all the hurdles it faced.

Allow me to supplement that last point with my view that even if Obama’s secret casts no doubt upon his eligibility, that doesn’t change the fact that his original birth certificate is a reasonable place to to look in order to verify that he is a natural born citizen. Therefore, given that his birth circumstances were being questioned, and given that those doubts were not being answered in the clearest and most openly direct manner, it was inevitable that Obama would be facing a watershed moment. At some point along the way Obama would have to decide whether he needed to just admit the embarrassing truth and apologize for not having mentioned it earlier, OR whether he would be wiser instead to persist in his strategies to keep everyone in the dark even if it meant stretching rules like crazy or cajoling numerous individuals to lie on his behalf, in the hopes that it would never come back to bite him. I am arguing that embarrassment is not an ethically or legally valid excuse for subjecting taxpayers to this lengthy, elaborate series of fraudulent misrepresentations.

Third, let me remind you of statutes that convey record-altering powers upon law enforcement authorities. For example, This is the sort of action that, for example, may sometimes be necessary in witness protections programs. I’ll not bother speculating why Obama in particular might have qualified for such an alteration. I have no idea, but if that had been the case it might have even been pushed to the degree that eventually Obama would be the happy recipient of completely law-enforcement-fabricated, utterly inauthentic original long-form birth certificate. If so, a close review of all the HDOH's sealed files availed to qualified experts would certainly blow the cover off of whatever some law enforcement agency had worked so hard to maintain. As before in my opinion that may be tough luck for Obama, but when it comes to the need of taxpaying, voting citizens to receive open, unclouded, brutally honest answers about the birth circumstances of the occupant of the highest office in the land, witness protections and other such causes simply must give way. Suffice it to say that this is another imaginable factor in why Hawaii might be as inclined as they have been to so fiercely defend the secrets in their possession.

Spidey Sense and Occam’s Razor

Obama apologists sometimes invoke the principle of Occam’s razor in this way: Obama has described himself to be hawaiian born somewhat consistently since the earliest time he is on record as having said anything about his birthplace. He produced a short form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii that indicated his story was true. Newspaper announcements of his birth also agreed; his Indonesian school record concurred. When push came to shove he managed to persuade Hawaii to make an exception in his case and was then able even to produce a long-form copy of his original birth certificate that fit perfectly the details of the short form and his every prior contention. What, then is the simplest most direct means to account for each of those details? Occam’s razor says simply this: Obama’s birth happened just has he and the long-form pdf say it did.

If I had no idea about numerous related details including the breadth of the hassle suffered by the HDOH for going way out of its way to protect the privacy of a public figure who had abundantly declared that same information in the national media, I would be inclined to agree with you.

Let me suggest that sometimes Occam’s razor is at its sharpest when informed by a more complete picture. Please note that I have not even taken the time here to delve into all the details of the following items:

What’s more, I have only given a fleeting glimpse of the Sunahara debacle and of the oddities surrounding the emergence of the “newspaper” announcements. Even still, I contend I have now shed more than enough light on the actions of the HDOH to set the mind of any conscientious observer all atingle. What single, simple, direct explanation can you offer up that would alone concisely make sense of the wild and wacky exploits of the Hawaii Department of Health along with, if you dare, all those other elements of the story alluded to above? When Occam’s razor is brought to bear, my spidey senses are throbbing with reverberations of the one and only answer that seemingly can make the cut: Barack H. Obama II has something significant to hide. . . . . Fits the picture reasonably well, doesn’t it?

True or False, Obama’s Story Was the Same from the Start

I need to wrap up this post, and sadly I lack the time to address each of your earlier points one by one, but I at least want to acknowledge one particular argument you raised. I understand you to be saying this: Whether or not everything contained in Obama’s account of his birth is true, a newspaper announcement and a school registration form stand as solid evidence that Obama’s parents had consistently gone on record from the very earliest days with the same story Obama still tells today, so why would I think anything in Hawaii’s records differs meaningfully from that story?

First the provenance of the the newspaper microfilm is extremely dubious.

Second, the school record, if authentic, actually differs a bit from the official story in that it identifies the child as Barry Soetoro even though years later Obama signed and attested that he had never been known by ay other names. As to whether or not Barack regards himself as being a Muslim in those days like the record asserts, I do not know.

Third, consider that Obama had in fact been born in a foreign land or that some other unknown discrepancy was in play, but that the Birth Certificate was generated from testimony declaring him to have been born in Honolulu under the circumstances Obama still officially claims. In this case, as you point out Obama’s actual vital records in Hawaii would roughly corroborate what was in the newspaper and what was on the school record. If all three are in fact in agreement, then what could I hope to gain by having a look at the actual document locked away in its vault? As you know, the answer lies in how the information was recorded. If the birth certificate was compiled through testimony of family members, or was at some point along the way subject to one or more amendments, those details would become evident with a look at the actual “records” (again note Fukino’s odd plural).

Come on. Is it really such a bad idea for me to want a principled, tenacious, duly authorized law enforcement agent to show up on the HDOH’s doorstep with the full force of an all inclusive warrant and the necessary determination to get to the bottom of all this? There’s nothing to be scared of, right?

Whatever you may now say in defense of your position, I can’t help but feel considerable confidence that those who are reading carefully will recognize my argument stands wholly sufficient to establish that there are in this case very reasonable concerns that we have not been told "the whole truth and nothing but the truth” about some element of the birth circumstances, identity and historical background of our sitting president.

As to your question about whether my conclusions are “falsifiable” or if anything could ever convince me otherwise. Don’t forget that my upthread post was focussed on how I’ve essentially run out of hope in any important evidence emerging from the Arpaio/Zullo investigation. If I didn’t say it as a part of that post, I’ll say now that if no evidence emerges over the next few years, I will ultimately be forced to accept that I was probably just wrong about the whole thing. I am neither infallible nor in possession of a miraculously brilliant mind. I have had to admit my mistakes many times in the past, and rest assured, will be willing to do so in this case as well. It may not even take years. I would like to think I could admit I was wrong if someone could only bring to light an ample, innocent explanation that could somehow receive preference from Occam’s razor in terms of how to account for the confluence of all the bizarre and wooly machinations surrounding this case. For now, doing the best I can do, the evidence I can see, however circumstantial it may be, has me thoroughly persuaded that something is not right about Obama’s birth narrative.

68 posted on 05/07/2014 12:47:52 PM PDT by ecinkc (Hopeless birther on the verge of finally realizing it's time to find a new hobby.)
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To: ecinkc
That was a considerable amount of text. Part of it seems to respond more or less directly to points I made. Though at times I get the sense you're just putting down thoughts you've had generally on the topics. I'm trying to reply in a way that's manageable. If I skip over something you said you're interested in direct reply, highlight it. It may make sense for me to just split this into parts. I keep starting and stopping this reply.

The supervised review had happened near the time Obama had released his short form and Janice Okubo pronounced “we can’t be sure what the image represents.”

You're here mixing up two different things. As to the short form certificate for Obama, Okubo stated "It's a valid Hawaii birth certificate." When questions persisted about that document, someone produced a different Hawaii certificate and sent an image of that back to Hawaii for comparison and comment. It was as to that second image that Okubo said "we can't be sure what that image represents."

This, perhaps, is a fitting illustration of how one side says "x" and the other side hears something else. If your take-away from Okubo had instead been "It's a valid birth certifficate," how might your reasoning on this had proceeeded differently?

If Obama and HDOH have nothing to hide, then why shouldn’t they have been willing to be open and responsively working to nip-in-the-bud those many doubts while the election cycle of 2008 was still underway?

The circumstances of history were such that the first candidate in modern times to have a background which opened up questions was also the first black candidate. What one side sees as legitimate questioning soon is viewed by the other as being in bad faith. I would imagine that from Obama's side, the release of the short-form certificate was that very "nip it in the bud" effort -- something no other candidate for President had ever done. And no doubt Hawaii by some point in 2008 was already pretty damned tired of the volume of emails and inquiries.

Argument 1: The HDOH was bound by law to prevent the release of Obama’s long-form to anyone, including Obama himself.

Did you catch the significance of that last point? Ironically, the state itself had a program that had regarded, well into 2008, its own short-form abstract birth certifications to lack sufficient evidentiary content to substantiate their claims upon state afforded resources.

I'm not familiar with this "Home Lands" program or what eligibility for that program entailed. The question here is Presidential eligibility. The question I asked on an earlier post (to which I've not seen reply) is "as to presidential eligibility, how is the short form certificate insufficient?" Or, to phrase it as I did before, "what additional information is contained on the long form that you deem to vitally relevant to that issue that isn't provided on the short form?" (And I note that your Home Lands comparison you phrased as pertaining to "evidence of eligibility," so kindly don't shfit this again to say that "more than just eligibility is potentially involved." Apples should be compared with apples.)

Nevertheless, HDOH and the Obama campaign had scant sympathy for Obama’s political opponents who felt an unverified digital representation of the purported short form (released at first with its serial number redacted) was to flimsy a basis on which to extend him the right to be elected the most powerful man on Earth?

But it was more than that by this point, no? I'd have to verify the timeline, but I believe by mid-2008 there had been statements by Governors of Hawaii (Republican and Democrat) affirming "Obama was born here," the newspaper birth announcements from 1961 were known, along with the short form release. How do you expect the short form to be "verified" other than by further representations from Hawaii (e.g,. Okubo "It's a valid Hawaii birth certificate"; the governors "our records show he was born here")? It seems you're still on the slope that leads inexorably to the "it should have been judicially supervised team of forensic experts" standard.

Hawaii could not unilaterally release the long form. (I've read that the complete long form contains medical information about tthe mother and infant that would be federally protected). In any case, given the short form is used for most purposes for birth/identity verification (drivers license, passport, etc.), it seems requests for long form are relatively rare, and given the context, I can understand why the HDOH would proceed with some caution.

End Part 1

70 posted on 06/02/2014 8:40:40 AM PDT by CpnHook
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To: ecinkc
Argument 2: Hawaii could have legally released Obama’s records only to Obama himself.

Could it not possibly be stretched to include the needs of voting citizens governed by a constitution which establishes a particular birth requirement among the qualifications for holding the republic’s highest office?

At this point I can almost hear you raring back with your legal dictionary ready to pummel me over my utter failure to grasp the concept or technical meaning of "tangible interest.” If that is the case, please feel free to proceed by describing the criteria under which a third party's need to see a vital record does indeed rise to the level of “tangible interest.”

If you read through the list of eligible persons the statute (338-18(b)) describes, you will note that the persons are those who have a personal or familial interest: spouses, ex-spouses, guardians, heirs, etc. It is commonplace for statutes to contain a standard ("tangible interest") and then list examples, sometimes adding a "catch-all" provision (e.g., "any other person having such an interest"). But Courts will not typically construe the catch-all or general description to encompass someone categorcally different from the enumerated examples. "Potential voter" is just of a wholly different class than those listed. But section 338-18(g)(2) does expressly permit a verificaion in lieu of certfified copy to issue to "government agencies," which is the procedure followed for the State Secretaries who had an interest in their voting procedures. So the Hawaii standards do allow for addressing this type of inquiry; they just don't do it in the immediate way you suggest.

On that point, let me point out the potential problem were the statute to grant any potential voter a right to request a copy. (Really, this should be obvious, but nothing in your comments so far seems to acknowledge this sort of practical concern.) How many requests -- all asking for the same information -- might the HDOH be made subject in a case like this? Potentially tens of thousands. Isn't the only realistic procedure to release the birth information to the subject (or that subject's representative) or to issue a verification to an appropriate government official? That's what was done in this case. Seriously, do you really expect the HDOH to have to pander to every "Doubting Thomas" out there who won't be satisfied until he/she touches their own certfied copy? How ridiculously impractical would that be?

So, without tangible interest to aid us, let us consider that the President could have at least simply spared the expense of roughly one c-note and signed off on a request to have official copies of his records sent by certified mail to such destinations as perhaps administrators of the federal elections committee, three or four major news outlets, both of the U.S. congressional chambers and the national headquarters of the RNC.

A copy of his short-form certificate was procured and posted online. A copy was sent to one organization (FactCheck)? I recall that a copy of the long-form circulated at the press conference at which that was announced. Savannah Guthrie of NBC was given a copy (offhand I'm forgetting if it was the long or short form) to photograph. And, keep in mind, this is far more than any other President has even done or been asked to do.

Plus, the Republican Party seemed satisfied. No one in either Congressional chamber was expressing doubt. The news media seemed satisfied. The conservative talking heads (e.g,. Rush and others) were not questioning the evidence.

Yes, there has been this faction that I believe took the a priori position that something was amiss about Obama, and that group would never have been satisfied no matter what had transpired.

Why wouldn’t this have happened very early on if everything was above reproach?

The short form and statements from the Hawaii governors and HDOH were done fairly early one. Most persons accepted those at face value. A vocal minority did not. But, as noted, I don't believe that minority would ever have been satisfied, so no matter.

Argument 3: HDOH would subject itself to a regrettable precedent by being unusually open about Obama’s records

I don't see anything in this section that isn't covered by my statutory discussion above: the persons asking (other than Obama) were not of the class of persons with a "tangible interest" to receive a certificate copy, and the "government officials" so entitled to receive a verification in lieu of a copy did so receive that.

Argument 4: Obama’s advisors concluded that stoking birthers into a frenzy through reticence would be politically advantageous

The instantly visible flaw of this argument is that HDOH is not not controlled by Obama’s campaign advisors, and thus it seems unreasonable to assume that HDOH personnel would have been willing to bear much of a burden at all just because they had perceived that the Obama campaign/administration wanted their assistance in milking the kooky controversy for all its worth for as long as possible.

True, but the corrolary to this is that the HDOH was annoyed at the incessant requests notwithstanding the statements previously made affirming Obama's Hawaiian birth. So, while the HDOH had to follow the lead of Obama (as only he had the statutory "tangible interest" sufficient to cut loose a copy), I don't doubt a few within the HDOH got to the point of delight in having the Doubting Thomases fuming.

Taking a step back, let’s stop to again consider whether an uncompromising devotion to the letter of the law is likely what motivated Hawaii to prefer to languishing under the resource crunch rather than opening the vault door in the hopes of relieving much of the pressure that was constantly building.

Let me ask here: at what point might it be said to be a legitimate posture for Hawaii to say "this is never going to end, so why should we bother to humor the naysayers?" Opening the vault doors would indeed have been unprecedented, and to whom and how many persons seeking that access would Hawaii have had to accomodate?

On the earlier post I made the point that had "forensic experts" been allowed in and confirmed the bona fides of the records, there STILL would have been those clamoring that those persons were bribed or threatened. You more or less conceded that much. We're in a bit of a loop where you seem to be pressing the point "Hawaii could have done more (or sooner)" and I'm giving a shoulder shrug of "perhaps, but it would have not made any difference."

As I have already pointed out, releasing a copy of Obama's long-form to him personally and arguably to his designated third party recipients was already clearly allowed within the legal discretion of the HDOH.

I trust by now I'll have heard an explanation as to why release of the long-form had a significance beyond what release of the short-form entailed. But if not, kindly explain. The short form listed the date and place of his birth and the names of his parents. Given the issue was eligibility (as so framed as such by those asking), what's the difference?

What’s more, HDOH’s practices allowed for an official documentary verification of the record to be sent to a third party under a certain circumstances, one of which was merely that the party requesting was doing so for educational purposes. Was no one able to meet that meager burden so that a verification could have been released in the in the autumn of 2008?

No one had submitted a request for verification until SoS Bennett did in 2012.

He expressed that Obama was at risk of being barred from Arizona ballots and suddenly, four years after the controversy originally arose, an HDOH associate quietly signed a page of legalese on Alvin T. Onaka’s behalf, applied the registrar's stamp and stuffed the first-ever Obama record "verification” into an envelope bound for the Grand Canyon State.

A "page of legalese?" One of the more peculiar (and intellectually dishonest) arguments put forth by Birthers is this notion that what Dr. Onaka issued was some very vague, "weasel-worded" response. The $64K question was whether Obama was eligible. That question turns on the question "was Obama born in Hawaii as he claims?" And on THAT point, Onaka stated point-blank.

I verify the following:
A birth certificate is on file with the Department of Health indicating that Barack Hussein Obama, II was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Good grief! How much more clearly and succinctly could that have been worded? I would term this "inescapable clarity" (to use your phrase). The Birther notion that somehow Onaka skipped around the issue is just ludicrous.

When officials in a corporation or an agency are caught between a rock and a hard place over a truth that they would prefer to conceal, the actions they take in any given moment are dictated by the relative strength in that instant of opposing forces either to stay quiet, to preserve plausible deniability, to muddle the issue with parallel but misleading distractions or to tell lies enshrouded by varying degrees of self-protective fuzziness.

It's only in the Birther Universe of Denial that the words "A birth certificate is on file with the Department of Health indicating that Barack Hussein Obama, II was born in Honolulu, Hawaii" somehow is too vague and fuzzy to answer the question. For the rest of us, that simple statement affirms the proposition in clear, unmistakable, and unambiguous terms. (If you don't think so, explain how on earth that can be construed in any way other than "Yes, our records show that BHO II was born here!?"

End Part 2. I'm not sure when I'll get to the rest. The basic points of view are laid out; I'm not sure much more new material awaits.

71 posted on 06/02/2014 12:03:46 PM PDT by CpnHook
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