This is a joke for a few thousand dollars.I know someone who fell for that many years ago.Kane has other headaches.
DA drops Rape charges against ex Montco, Pa GOP Chairman
The evidence in question relates to a toxicology report that was initially thought to have
found the drug Zolpidem, commonly referred to as Ambien, in the complainants system. At
issue is the lab analysis of the report, which appeared to indicate an identifiable value
related to the presence of the drug Zolpidem. The investigator incorrectly interpreted that
value as meaning that the lab discovered trace amounts of the drug in the complainants
system. In fact, the proper conclusion was that the lab did not find any amount of the drug
Zolpidem in the complainant at all. Because grand jurors gave significant weight to the
existence of the alleged drug evidence in its determination of whether to file charges and
which charges to file, Ferman determined she was duty bound to withdraw the current