I just installed parallels and now have to install my Adobe suite, which only works in Windows.
Some people here don’t like Mac. I’ve gotten to HATE Adobe, who continually upgrades their stuff and locks you out of updates while treating every one of their users like they are made of money.
Quark was the only game in town for desktop publishing for years. The product was so buggy that workarounds were a core professional competency for anyone in the business. The company was a-holish in the way only a monopolist can be, took forever to get updates out, had bugs unfixed through several major releases, and took every opportunity to squeeze more money out of loyal customers.
Adobe came out with Indesign, which took over the market with astonishing speed. Quark had PO’ed every one of its users so thoroughly that they were eager to jump to anything almost as good, and as a bonus, InDesign was better.
Fast forward a decade and a half, and Adobe is just like every other former insurgent turned dictator, and the masses are waiting for the next revolution.