Not sure about that. Roberts may be smarter than we give him credit.
Knowing full well labeling Obozocare a “tax”, he'd once again have the opportunity to decide against it's constitutionality.
There are multiple lawsuits against Obozocare, but one coming out of Texas, filed by Dr. Hotze challenging Obamacare under two provisions of the constitution.
First...origination clause. All legislation imposing taxes on the American people must originate from the chamber of congress closest to the people...House of Representatives.
Second...violates the “Taking” clause of the 5th amendment. Compelling one segment of the population to distribute wealth to another. The federal government may impose/collect taxes. Obozocare compels citizens to give their money to Insurance companies...not to the government as a tax.
Filed in the conservative 5th circuit here in Texas and expect a ruling soon. I've listened to interviews with Dr. Hotze and his atty. This sounds very promising regardless of the lack of press it's gotten. Either way, if the court decides against...goes to federal appeals, then to the Supreme court. Rules in favor, DOJ files appeal which will ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Justice Roberts will see Obozocare once again...this time in a very different light. Keep the ol fingers crossed y'all.
Go Texas Go!
For more info and court briefs...go to link below.
Whoa! This could be it... Thanks for sharing.