Good counterpunch. That John Cornyn strike was effective. But since we Southerners love to engage in state rivalries, I’m gonna ask you how many times did South Carolina re-elect Linda Graham to the U.S. Senate?
Pansey Graham has been elected the same number of times as Texas elected John Cornyn. Don't get me started on Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Being a SC resident has many perks. Among them:
I don't have to have a ludicrously big honking inspection sticker on my car to help the police harass me. In fact, I'm 'allowed' to determine the condition of my car MYSELF and repair it accordingly. Novel idea, that.
I don't have to deal with state police thugs conducting checkpoints for the sole purpose of hassling ordinary citizens for minor infractions.
You may have no income tax, but the property taxes on my 3000+sq ft house in a fantastic area are ~$1100/yr. Good luck finding that in Texas.
The more I looked at Texas, the more it looked to me like the New York that I was trying to get the hell away from. I can't quite figure out why, since all the NYers seemed to move to North Carolina, which also didn't make the cut because there are too many damn New Yorkers there.