No. This is at the national level. I havent checked recently but I think the gop runs more state govenments than the the demons. I think we have more governors. Dont focus there. Nah this is at the federal lever where the gop is nothing like us. Thats where the fight is. Our national gop is on the phone cutting deals with the dems to keep their jobs. Give a man a job he will kill for and surely he will stab you in the back to keep it. Our state reps don’t need our money. We repubs if not cons do well. This next election isn’t about anything other than stopping immigration reform and obamacare. Either one or both will kill the conservative movement. Our state reps do fine, they listen to us usually. Not our fed reps. Cut off the money until they listen.
Texas at a state level is the same way, the Texas House Speaker was first elected by a handful of GOPers voting with Democrats and then the Republicans re-elected him the next time... just because.
It was like keeping Bonehead at Speaker in DC