If you care about Free America, you must engage, resist and fight. Never quit. Never weaken. Never.
The future of this country in the long run is in the hands of the American people. The only way America will recover/maintain its freedom (limited government) is if the American people take ownership once again of this great land and demand that politicians (good or bad - there will ALWAYS be both) do the right thing (shrink government and keep it shrunk), be accountable and get ousted if they fail their duty to the Constitution, the people, and the country. In the long run, the only language the politicians understand is the TRUE THREAT of ouster. A country with a government (politicians) that fears the people prolongs its tranquility and happiness as a free society.
I love Palin and Paul, but America is ultimately not in their hands but ours. We, the American people, must make it politically unprofitable for politicians to do the wrong thing. In the long run, that will be the only thing that matters.