Maybe instead of getting all hot under the collar about women obsessed with animal rescue, you could use some of that spleen on stories like this:
NBC-DFW Channel 5 in Dallas just aired an exclusive bombshell report on Maj. Nidal Hasan that he receives a VIP military helicopter trip every day to and from the jail so he can use facilities to research and study resources on the military base. They also said that a special Sheriff has been hired to stand 12 hours a day watching Hasan at the jail when he is returned to his cell at the county jail.
They also showed more documents of his continuing pay that he receives and will continue to receive. They showed a heartbreaking story on a soldier who fought in Afghanistan who was shot at Fort Hood and suffered such bad PTSD from it...he took his own life
You’re changing the subject? Disappointing. Ah well, you haven’t tried going into Godwins law territory...