Actually Limbaugh spoke to quite a number of folks he doesn’t
reach on a regular basis. Unfortunately a cable channel such
as FOX doesn’t command the viewership that the alphabet
networks do. And, of course, on any network a Rush interview
would consist of one hour of him having to explain why he
deserves to breathe the same air as the rest of the human race.
Absolutely no alphabet network interview toadie would throw
out topics and allow Rush to run with them like Greta did. That
is why he won’t do TV interviews as a rule. I would, however,
like to see him appear on a few panel format programs where
he would have the opportunity to demonstrate the art of
challenging the idiotic premises and statements of the libturd
Running spots during DWTS, America gots no talent, Bravo channel, or American Idle is the only way to get air time with a certain demographic (uniformed or stupid people).