“I have always thought the opening scenes of the plane crash in Castaway were some of the most impressive in any aviation movie showing a crash.”
You didn’t watch it with my pilot husband that grew up in Hollywood. Any movie involving a plane is a comedy in our house. Kind of hard to suspend disbelief when your husband is doubled over laughing, and asking, “Well which is it- a 747 or a 737?” Kurt Russel exclaiming he recognized the airport- we were apoplectic.
Hahahahah...too bad.
Sometimes, you really do need to suspend belief to really enjoy some things.
I had a dream one night that I was in a DC-9 that was privately owned and had been converted into a party plane. Carpeting, very few chairs, loud music, people dancing, the whole nine yards.
While we were partying, the plane was bouncing around and jouncing us, and were were sliding and falling and bumping into each other. Finally, I decided to go up the cockpit and talk to the crew to find out what was going on.
I opened the cockpit door and looked in.
Remember the part in the movie “Castaway” when Tom Hanks opens the cockpit door a spit second before they hit the water? That was what I saw.
The pilot turned and said “Not now.”
I closed the door and woke up...whew!