Most definitely the first 2 are about as useless as a (fill in the blank). The 3rd guy I am unfamiliar with...
He’s the guy who replaced Cynthia Mc Kinney in GA and said in a hearing that Guam might tip over from the weight if the 7000 Marines in Okinawa were transferred there.
Hank Johnson is from GA :-(, and he's probably not as bright as the first two. He made the famous Guam tipping over comment in reference to the navy establishing a base there. The good news is that he probably accurately represnts the intellect and the attitudes of the majority of the voters in that district - a specially gerrymandered district to ensure that it will always have a black democrat as the kongressional representative there. It was Cynthia McKinney's district prior to her getting the boot as being too wacky for even the drug hazed welfare recipients who vote there