When you say the “original” are you talking about what the Hawaii DOH has in their files, because that is definitely on plain white paper. At least that’s what the DOH told WND’s forensic document examiner.
But my point in showing the other Hawaiian BCs and death certificate is that they do not say void. In fact, I cannot recall seeing a recent Hawaii BC that shows the word VOID when scanned.
The AP copy of Obama’s LFBC has no green security background (except in the shadow caused by the curve in the bound volume). Is this part of the security measures? Does a copier produce a different light from a scanner, one that makes the green disappear?
The document stamped April 25, 2011 with Onaka’s signature.
This latest scan or copy of the original (doc with signature & date stamp) is identical to other scans or copies except for the background. Which means the background was not on the document with the stamped date and signature.
Did various attorneys and other inidivuals copy this plain white COLB onto on a variety of security papers? Why?
How did the WH COLB PDF get a security paper background?