But, you don't have to look very far to go back and see the support for Hillary. Even among many famous people who happen to be black, they were supporting Hillary. I think Hillary was considered a strong favorite until a certain point. Remember, in 2007 there was a huge debate among some blacks, over whether Senator Obama, was, "authentically black." (I believe it may have been Rev. Al Sharpton who used that phrase)
You are either unwilling or unable to distinguish between the pundit class of blacks & regular black people (who supported Obama to the tune of around 98%). There was no big debate among non-pundit blacks. He was black to them, & certainly black compared to Hillary. The black community couldn’t care less about Sharpton’s navel gazing; they grasped which candidate looked more like them.
As to the Pfleger rant/video, you seem—& it’s not too harsh a word—clueless. Have you really no idea what it does to the black psyche, to tell them that an ‘entitled’ white woman is trying to screw over an uppity black man? After Pfleger made that case & it went viral, Obama cleared the field. If you had any genuine black friends you cd ask them & they wd tell you. Pfleger was a game changer.
Hillary couldn’t do much of anything after that w’out being perceived as a racist. Obama came right out & called BJ Clinton a racist, just to underscore the point. Do you think blacks reacted by thinking Obama should have been more circumspect w his accusations? If so, you’re hopelessly out of touch. The black community was not in criticize-Obama-mode; they were in so-the-Clintons-are-not-the-friends-we-thought-they-were mode.
Here’s a link to give you a sense of Pfleger’s status in the black community. There’s plenty more where this one came from; finding black accolades for Pfleger is an embarrassment of riches quest: