And, you should NOT send money to anyone who pretends to not wonder why.
You didn’t answer my question. I’ll restate it to you: Do you feel that as an elected official, Sheriff Arpaio can spend money on anything he sees as a violation of the law in any way, or are there circumstances when he cannot initiate those actions, due to process, jurisdiction, etc?
What are your thoughts on this?
Here is Sheriff Arpaio in his own words why he is using the Cold Case Posse authorized to report straight to him via the Arizona State Constitution.
Listen at 1:00
Most of those people are still in power/office, and since under the US system Attorney General and DA are used by party politicians as stepping stones in their political careers, the prosecution system will not punish wrong doing by powerful members of the political class itself.
Perversely enough, the political class will do the opposite, and launch a persecution the whistle-blower/honest Sheriff/citizen who dares to challenge his betters.