Documentation File on the harmful impact of the Counterculture of Obamanation on America.
Barry Soetoro, aka B. Hussein Obama, 5 days before the end of GWBs Presidential term, said: We are five days away from FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Going on 5 years now, the best friends that Obama could have had to help him achieve his above stated dastardly goal were the RINO leaderships in the US House and Senate, AND THEY ARE STILL IN POWER!
IMHO, the Counterculture of Obamanation will continue to destroy America for as long as the US Congressional RINOs allow it to, and not one minute more!
I certainly am not someone who thinks of themselves as a Republican...if anyone asks my affiliation, I say conservative or Tea Party. And I don’t think I am alone in this, either.
I campaigned for Scott Brown because I couldn’t stomach the concept of someone like Martha Coakley holding office.
But the more I have thought about this, I have come to the conclusion that having moderates in office is just as harmful, possibly more so. That may seem strange, but here is why I think so: Liberals are going to do what they do. We can’t change that. In a way, they have a perverse type of honesty that Republicans don’t have...if you listen to them, they will TELL you what they are going to do (If you don’t already know)
Sometimes, it is as simple as observing what they accuse their opponents of doing. They are, after all, the Masters of Projection.
But, like the scorpion riding across the river on the back of the frog, you just have to expect them to do what is in their nature. If they catch you by surprise, it is your own fault.
But moderate Republicans cannot stand up with principles. Because they are “moderates”, they make their bones off of compromising. The problem is, compromising with something that is evil or clearly wrong is tacit approval of something that is evil or clearly wrong.
And that is where I see the danger. Liberals love it when moderate Republicans play into their hands. It allows them to claim bipartisan support, and further cement things into our government or society that at best should not be cemented, and at worst, should not even be tolerated.
Moderate Republicans do just that. They give liberals cover. I went through a period right after Obamacare got passed where I felt as though I wanted to vote for all the most liberal candidates I could just to accelerate the collapse.
I felt that way because I felt angry and betrayed. I still feel that way, but now nearly towards the entire government apparatus from Federal to town. But I don’t think I would be voting for those uber liberal candidates though. I may be down, but not THAT far.