Posted on 04/07/2013 2:47:34 PM PDT by Cold Case Posse Supporter
John Woodman is a one time author, a self proclaimed computer expert who decided to take it upon himself to get recruited, according to CCP Investigator Mike Zullo, and write a book debunking the claims that Obama has a forged birth certificate and that he is not a natural born Citizen. On Friday, April 5, 2013, Lt. Mike Zullo took calls from listeners for one hour on a radio program. As expected, a caller who has been revealed to be a Obama supporter called in and asked Zullo why he didn't consult with John Woodman on the criminal fraud investigation. Zullo at approximately 48:35 explains why. It is a must listen!
Thanks for the ping!
Perhaps you'd be willing to represent to everyone here that Zullo has not and will not benefit for the sale of any book relating to his investigation.
Here is Sheriff Arpaio in his own words why he is using the Cold Case Posse authorized to report straight to him via the Arizona State Constitution.
Listen at 1:00
I don’t think it is a matter of incuriosity. I think it is more an issue of emotion, about what I am not sure.
The poster either is an Obama supporter and is angry about what is seen as an attack on his deity, or the person is a conservative who thinks conservatism is being harmed by “birthers” and the subject is beneath us.
Case one is laughable and very common, but case two is disturbing, because to any real conservative, this boils down to the Constitution, and whether it is being willfully disregarded. Well, we KNOW it is being disregarded in other areas, so it isn’t that much of a stretch to think it is in this case as well.
Why won’t this man just let everyone see his real long form. What the hell is he afraid it is going to show? It is puzzling.
The man who tried to nake a profit off of the Cold Case Posse’s investigation was John Woodman, the author and self proclaimed conservative computer expert who wrote a book on behalf of Obots which failed to debunk the CCP’s evidence.
Wow. Now you are accusing them of doing things that you know they haven’t done yet.
And who cares if they sell a book to raise money?
You have yet to explain why it is so self-evidently a scam except to say “It is a scam because they won’t spend public funds to pursue it”.
I am serious. Why don’t you try explaining your point of view?
I believe that a County Sheriff presented with information; claiming that voter fraud may have been committed is within his authority to investigate. Public money is irrelevant, and was likely a strategic decision. I cannot respond to your other comments because they strike me as incoherent. However, you need not feel defensive, we are all adults here and you sir, I am certain want to vindicate the President as much as we do. After all he seem to be confused as where he was born. Please read his literary biography which stood for 17 years, corrected twice, yet his information regarding his birth place remained unchanged. We want to help him help himself.
I feel like I am talking to a brick wall.
Let me conclude my contributions tonight by telling you that I will have very little respect for you if I should learn that you are somehow a beneficiary of this scam and that I will have a great deal of sympathy for you if I should learn that you are a victim of this scam.
If, as of now, you're neither a perpetrator nor a victim of this obvious scam, my advice is to keep things that way.
Good night. ;-)
You have been talking to a particular person Zullo was talking about in the video, a person devoted to ridicule. It is a lost cause to use diplomacy with these type individuals. Tan Food exposed himself tonight.
Sorry, forget the sarcasm off button.
Thank you for the very thoughtful reply.
What I have found is that “compromise” is just caving in.
For example, if one compares Senator Robert Kennedy’s Presidential Campaign quote of: “It is wrong to be always going to Washington [DC] for solutions to every problem in our Society.” to:
1.) ANY Republican Congressman or woman who votes to the right of that statement; or
2.) ANY Republican or Independent who has voted to the right of that statement in this Century,
PERHAPS there will be enough to count on the fingers of one hand.
My point is that RFK was considered left of center when he ran against LBJ, and today RFK would be to the right of most Republicans.
NOTE: How a politician VOTES is all that matters to the tax-burdened who are pulling the wagon.
How we shifted to the left is due to what I call “The DC 3 Step.” Here is how it goes:
a.) Liberals from “both” parties demand that a bill be drafted that takes a position 2 giant steps to the left.
b.) Those who wish to conserve what little is remaining of America meekly hint that one small step to the right would be enough for them to cave in.
c.) The Liberals hold a presser declaring a “Bipartisan Cave In.”
d.) The bill is signed into law.
e.) Upon much Conservative pressure the Liberals mumble that maybe they will think about taking a minor shuffle to the right, after the law has had time to mature.
Hence, we have the sorry system of today: ‘No matter who gets elected, the damned US Federal Government always makes things worse for those who pay their taxes.’
Right now that is 58 % pulling the wagon, and 42 % in the wagon.
If a state supreme court, e.g. Alabama, ruled in a Mandamus to have the SOS publicly investigate the eligibility of Barack Obama, perhaps having her report back to that same supreme court, then that could penetrate the armor of 2-Party cooperation.
Up till now, for these prosecutors, CYA seems to be the first priority not the US constitution or the hapless people who voted for them.
It’s disappointing that there have been no congressional hearings held in the House of Representatives. Congress can investigate any issue that it wants. Congessional subpoenas carry the full weight of law and witnesses testify under oath with a threat of perjury and making false statements hanging over their heads.
Congressional hearings often get full media coverage and if they are riveting enough, they are broadcast live on cable news networks. At the very least they are seen on CSPAN.
Information uncovered in congressional testimony often sets the stage for Grand Juries being convened and for the appointment of Independent Counsels.
The congressional Republicans should have held hearings on this important constitutional issue; particularly during the campaign season.
Oh, good grief. You don’t respect me? That hurts.
You see that tactic even more so in Witness by Whittaker Chambers.
This person has some kind of axe to grind, that is clear, but I am not sure what it is.
"...You look at what the Left and the Media did to Joseph McCarthy, and they not only killed his reputation (and contributed to his death) they did the equivalent of salting the cropland of his memory so future generations would carry on the tarring of him.
What they did to him was the equivalent of hanging someone from a lamp post with a sign around his neck saying "If you take on any cause against us, this is what will happen to you and your legacy."
I guarantee it. If anyone with any clout picks this up and runs with it, we will see how quickly and aggressively they can find out if this person picks their nose, has ever told an off-color joke or been involved in a DUI (Their inability to find out ANYTHING about Obama notwithstanding)
I think my analysis of this is indeed a factor (though the prism of McCarthy might not be what they look through to consider it)
I have heard it said that the hatred of Richard Nixon by the left was, in large part, due to his dogged role in exposing Alger Hiss, and they got their revenge with Watergate.
Anyone substantial who takes this on as a cause has to be prepared to have him and his family demonized, because it will happen.
I think your post is a pretty accurate assessment. I find your mention of Robert Kennedy interesting, because I have long contended that John Kennedy would be a right winger in a lot of respects today. (though not all. He was no Barry Goldwater in his day...)
I think it indicates how the entire political scale has simply been picked up and moved to the Left in this country, and people like Barry Goldwater do not, for the most part, exist (more’s the pity) and people like Bill Ayers DO exist in the political process openly.
And THAT is a disgrace.
“They have produced NOTHING that will stand in court” - MR
Are you talking about the White House?
Given 57 opportunities to produce a birth certificate in court the White House has chosen to argue procedure and standing instead. In the one case that heard testimony, the WH was a no-show.
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