You have a good point, as promotion of the issue for 2014 could in theory result in election of super-super-majority in Congress that would be capable of sustaining an impeachment.
That of course presumes voter attention and interest.
But with the Soros groups financing the BO “message machine” and its corruption of the voting system, including the prospect of up to 11 million new citizens being motivated to exploit “same day registration” by then, will it matter?
If a special prosecutor investigates Onaka and others in Hawaii government (which all locals know is corrupt) and obtains evidence of fraud, then two things happen:
1. The Obama supporting press attacks the character of the Special Prosecutor and attempts to discount his evidence,
2. Voters see through the charade of Obama and his paid press support and elect enough members of Congress to swing power to the GOP.
I don’t see a super majority as necessary. If Onaka is indicted and is made to confess, enough dems will stand down to allow Obama to be exposed.
The key is to reveal the corruption in the Hawaii government.
and Soros (and relatives) are germinating “New Americans” every year.
Try to find a “John Smith” or “Regular Joe Schmoe” in their “picks”.