Given, 1010, that you're a rather covert Freeper Mormon, how do you defend Mormon polygamous history? (Especially since the Book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon outrights condemns it!)
As a scholar you know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints never practiced polygamy, only polygyny which is God’s only authorized standard of marriage outside of monogamy. Monogamy reigns supreme with polygyny as the exception.
The purpose, though, of clarifying the distinct difference between polygamy - marriage by more than two people and polygyny - marriage of a man to more than one woman is important. Language communicates and if you lose the ability to communicate you lose the thoughtspace.
Polygyny is practiced in the Bible. It’s been authorized at times by God. Same sex marriage or any other type of marriage has never, ever been authorized by God.
I know the topic of Mormonism attracts you like a fly to butter, but this topic is polygamous marriage. Get your facts straight and remember Pavlov’s famous experiment.