Interesting. It’s the (L) party itself that would abolish forced ‘tithing’ to gov’t in the name of ‘charity’
Has it not been the GOP and the pointy talking heads that are not espousing ‘restructuring’ and ‘saving’ SS/Medicare/etc.? How many more weeks of unemployment will they all bump it up? Wait for the min. wage battle to begin!
It is not the (L) party that says controlled borders and no welfare state = open, free flow of people who WANT to come. Let alone terminate all foreign aide.
Again, has it not been the GOP, in behind the scenes (so they don’t have to explain to their own constituents/base) pushing for ANOTHER amnesty? Haven’t they blown enough smoke about ‘securing’ the same? Did they stop the visas from the Middle East after 9/11? Stopped funding those that actively try to kill us??
Libertarians want open borders and the elimination of the INS and Border Patrol, in other words, no borders.
Libertarianism creates liberal voters, who vote for more government and more welfare, and more programs.
Ghetto social liberalism creates democrats, not right wing Evangelicals.
It’s real easy to make grand pronouncements without a chance in hell you’ll ever have to live with the consequences of your pronouncements. You bore me, so just go luxuriate in the purity of your own irrelevance.
It just seems like the Libertarians lead with purposely provocative issues like drug legalization instead of speaking more generally about things most on this site would agree with like keeping government out of our lives. Too often on FR, many aren't about live and let live type of freedom. They're the law and order types that don't mind government telling people what to do so long as it is from a more conservative perspective.